Hope Breaks Through: Discovering God’s Signs in Your Life!
Well friends, as some of you may know, I have finished writing my book: Hope Breaks Through: Discovering God’s Signs in Your Life! The book’s subtitle is: A 30-day journey to uncover personal signs from God for healing, direction and transformation. I have even sent the manuscript off to a Canadian publisher and I am now waiting to see how God leads in the publishing end of things. Whew, a whole new learning curve for me!
Although I have enjoyed the writing process very much, it’s been a long season – writing well is actually hard work! I now realize how much dedication it takes, to write and re-write so that the thoughts in my head are a smooth experience for you, the reader – not just a jumble of words, but well-manicured thoughts. Throw into this mix the Covid-Crisis that thrust the world into shut-down mode. So far the year 2020 has been a new normal, on repeat, almost daily!
A book or a blog. Now we have both!
Today I am sharing a portion of the closing chapter, Day 30, as my blog entry. Sadly, a few months ago I promised you guys I would be a little more regular with my blogging. Well… my experiences these last number of months (insert covid quarantine!) have been new, varied, and required a lot more focus than I thought at first. (Maybe you can relate?)
Basically it came down to: write the book or write the blog. I felt that everyone (including myself!) would be happier in the long run with the book: Hope Breaks Through, than a few blog entries by the same title
The book – Excerpt from Day 30
God’s signs to us are tangible faith builders. Signs confirm that what He has promised, He intends to follow through on. God will give us something that we can see with our natural eyes with a very strong correlation to what our faith is already connected to – God and His Word.
Here is where growth and transformation emerge in real life situations. Here is where hope breaks through in the everyday. Here is where you can discover God’s signs in your life for healing, direction and transformation.
As I reflect on these days spent pondering God’s goodness and His signs of Love and hope breaking through into every moment, I know that life isn’t ever a tidy, easy package that we can figure out, organize with index cards and solutions, file away, and then move forward into perfection. That isn’t how life works. Not at all.
Real life transformation = peace and power from God + our messy realities. God’s signs point us to Him. They reset us.
But what I do know is that there are transforming moments that we spend with our Father, which will perpetually, like a spring, bring hope and courage to us during the mess and crunch of life.
A sign from God will refocus us on Who He is and where He is at work. It doesn’t guarantee a problem free existence. But we are promised power from God to face every single challenge in life, no matter what is going on around us and within us. Acts 2 is a great example of how waiting to see what Holy Spirit will do in our lives brings great power, courage and peace in the middle of it all.
Jesus said that in this world we would bump into difficulty and walk challenging waters, but He encouraged us to take heart and be courageous because He has already deprived the world of its power to harm us ( read John 16:33 in the Amplified Version!).
So, I encourage you my friend, keep reaching for God in whatever season that you find yourself in. Keep asking, seeking and knocking. Your Father knows what you need and is working tirelessly on your behalf. When we posture ourselves to listen we can hear Him speak. Meditate on His Word and ponder His works. He is magnificent and powerful. And He loves you deeply!
The journey begins with prayer.
Thank you God that You know me inside and out and You still love me! You have all the days of my life written in Your book before even one of those days began. I thank you that through it all, the good, the difficult, the messy, the celebrated … You are releasing wisdom and abundant life to me – and deep love!
Please continue to speak to me as I move forward through life into deeper spaces and places with you. Holy Spirit of God, give me a discerning heart and mind to cling only to Your truth and words.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Did you enjoy this excerpt from Day 30: Hope Breaks Through: Discovering God’s Signs in Your Life? This link will become live once the book is published and available for purchase. By signing up below, you will be the first to know when the book is available!
Copyright (c) 2020 Jennifer Bryant-Choong. All Rights Reserved
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Thanks so much!!
Love this! Thanks Jenn, such great encouragement and truth!
Awe, thanks Cathy! I am so glad that it touched you!