One thing that I am convinced of: God is magnificent! Our English language doesn’t do justice when describing God, but this is my attempt. Experiencing God and His magnificence evokes a response from me! In a simple definition, my attention and response to God is my worship.
Worship isn’t just about the songs I sing or instruments I play – it is the devotion of my whole self to God. Living all aspects of my life for the glory of God.
The Creator and King of the universe pours out His deep affection for me. Wow! Knowing and experiencing His Love pulls me into an intimate space, where my heart begins to find it’s true purpose, in loving Him back.
Loving God looks like 2 things: 1) it looks like me, just living my life, responding to His Love by loving others well, with both my words and actions, and bringing it full circle as 2) I pour out my heart in adoration, back to Him. It’s really pretty much like two sides of the same coin.
Once I can establish on the inside of me, that God goes well beyond my sphere of understanding and yet He has made His whole Kingdom and Self available to me, once I begin to learn and know and experience … I become overwhelmed with His goodness, kindness, love, and majesty … and I can’t help myself. I am compelled to worship Him.
In life, there is no other space quite like the time we set aside to see, hear and know God. In my blog I share moments where Hope Breaks Through and God injects His glorious perspective into my life situations.
This is where most of my personal growth happens – in the space where I hear and respond to God’s person and interaction in my life. This also becomes the place where thankfulness and worship springs from my heart.
It is my delight as a worship leader and writer, to carve out space for this exchange of relationship between God and us to happen – together.
Copyright (c) 2019 Jennifer Bryant-Choong. All Rights Reserved.